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Tortall's newest Quartet is about ten year old Keladry of Mindelan. Inspiered by Alanna, her hero, she decides to become a knight as well. Now that King Jonathan has passed the law that gives females the right to try to earn their sheild, unlike Alanna, Keladry will not have to hide her sex for eight years. But it's not easy being the only girl page. Not only is the work difficult, but her fellow pages aren't exactly what you'd call friendly and they are extremly sexist. By the second book however, she has managed to win most of them over and made some close friends. You can see how hard it is for her, but in the end she manages to prove that someimes females to make the best warriors. Tamora Pierce has only published the first two books so far, and although this Quartet isn't as exciting as Alanna's stories, this series is also a great read. |  |  |  |