How many of you have ever wished you could be a lady knight like Alanna when reading her books? Wishing you could be just like her? I know I have. Like, sure, I have a pretty good grip on reality, but we all like to imagine ourselves as our heroine. Anyway, with this game, in a way you can be a knight. All you need is to join below and read the rules. It's not very hard. Well, good luck! You need 25 points to become a squire, 50 points to take the ordeal of knighthood, and 85 points to become a king or queen's champion. How to Earn Points: Joining- 2pts Send in a fanfic- 8pts Send in a fanart- 5pts E-mail me- 3pts Sign the guestbook- 2pts Give me a link- 4pts Send me any ideas for the site- 4pts Add my link to your site- 5pts